Our Values


Equity and Diversity

We strive to build a safe working environment where diverse ideas, creative thinking and strong working relationships are fostered. We treat everyone we engage with, with humility, respect and dignity. We are flexible and innovative in our approach and appreciate the value of multiple perspectives and diverse expertise.



We acknowledge that every member of our team brings unique skills and talent, but together we can be a force for transformative change.


We will honor all commitments to our clients, partners, employees and the communities in which we work. We will conduct our work with unwavering high standards of honesty, trust, and professionalism..


Culture of Service

The driving force behind what we do is the desire to make a difference in peoples lives, in our community and our environment. As Desmond Tutu said, “we strive to do a little bit of good where we are; so that the little bits of good put together can overwhelm the world”.

Learning and Adaptation

We challenge ourselves to obtain new knowledge, ideas, and skills and always deliver cutting-edge performance. We foster a learning culture to improve performance, innovation, ensure continuous improvement and employee satisfaction and retention.


Systems Change

We tirelessly seek out approaches for addressing institutional, systemic, and structural root causes of social and economic inequities and design interventions that promote equitable economic and social outcomes.